6 Tips For Hiring A Painting Contractor

6 Tips For Hiring A Painting Contractor     You’ll have better success if you engage a crew of experts when you decide to painting the inside or outside of your home. You might assume that painting your house is simple, but it’s a lot more difficult than you might imagine. Painting your home’s outside […]

How much does it cost to paint a house interior?

Painting the interior of a house needn’t be expensive!For starters, you don’t usually need to paint the whole house! Ceilings are normally untouched, a standard white color, and therefore don’t need to be touched at all (unless there’s been a water leak from a leaky roof or a pipe in the floor above.) Even in […]

How much does it cost to paint the exterior of a house?

Exterior House Painting generally costs between five and ten thousand dollars. Some houses can costless, and some even more…Smaller homes, that are less complicated, shorter, easier to reach, and have fewer details are bound to be less expensive. Homes that don’t have patio covers attached to them, whose exterior walls are not in need of […]

The cost of painting Kitchen Cabinets

Many people ask me “how much does it cost of painting kitchen cabinets”?After several decades of doing it (I began in Malibu in the late ’80s…) I came up with an easy formula. If your cabinets are only on one wall, they are most likely in a condo or an apartment, and they are not […]

What Does it Cost to Paint a House Exterior?

Do you want to paint your home’s exterior? Home exterior paint jobs require investing your time and money. Repainting your property’s exterior is completely different than indoor repainting jobs. Since painting a house exterior is a large project, says NC Property Group, most homeowners plan all the details well in advance. One of the major questions […]

Things get worse before they get better! (a story and a lesson)

The Beginning:- Yesterday I had a customer take me off a job!His argument was that I had caused damage to the home. (It wasn’t his home.)The story goes like this: let’s call the customer Allan, as I don’t want to get sued by using his ownname…Allan wanted to help the family of his deceased friend […]

Sharing a recent painting experience

These last couple of weeks I’ve started working with a local general contractor. In the past, I’ve stayed away from them because as a residential painting contractor in San Diego I generally found it much more rewarding to work directly for the homeowners. Whenever I’ve painted kitchen cabinets, refinished kitchen cabinets, or done interior work, […]

Interior painting in San Diego

These last couple of weeks I’ve started working with a local general contractor. In the past I’ve stayed away from them, because as residential painting contractor in San Diego I generally found it much more rewarding to work directly for the homeowners. Whenever I’ve painted kitchen cabinets, refinished kitchen cabinets, or done interior work, it’s […]

3 Criteria for Hiring an Interior Painter

Painting is the last step in any residential construction project.  When the drywall is finally up, and the taping and  texture have been applied, it’s the job of the house painter that will either make or break the job.  It’s not uncommon for an interior house painter to alert the homeowner or the contractor about […]